Summer Hours: Office/Chat M-Th 8:30 AM-5:30 PM EST
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Accessing Module Content

All Beacon modules are online and self-paced to a certain extent (see Policies). Districts may supplement Beacon content with their own content. Supplemental materials will be provided if applicable.

You can access all modules from your Dashboard page.

  • Log in to Beacon Educator at;
  • Select your name on the top right side of the screen to display the tools menu;
  • Select Dashboard from the tools menu. The Dashboard page shows all current enrollments, preview sections (if applicable), and pending registrations.
  • Select the module you want to access. Note: You cannot access module content for Pending Registrations. Reach out to the listed contact person for assistance with pending registrations;
  • On first access, the system will prompt you to sign the policy statement electronically. Enter your full name in the text box provided and click Accept. Note: Beacon will not ask for credit card information from this page. If your browser prompts you for your credit card information, you may have activated a browser-specific setting on another site. Do not provide any credit card information. Ignore the message, enter your name, and click Accept to complete the electronic signature.

You now have access to the module content. If the start date for the module is a future date, you will not be able to access the summatives (quizzes) until the start date.