Catalog > Common Core 6-12: Disciplinary Literacy

Common Core 6-12: Disciplinary Literacy

(6 Hr Module) - $12*

*Individual purchase cost is $2 per credit hour for modules or some districts may have a contract.


Investigate the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. Explore text complexity and close reading. Examine instructional and assessment practices. Understand the impact of the CCSS on struggling students, ELLs, and students with disabilities.

Learning Objectives

  • Define Disciplinary Literacy.
  • Interact with the components of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects.
  • Define and review examples of text complexity and close reading.
  • Investigate instructional practices for implementing the CCSS Literacy standards within the disciplines.
  • Understand the impact of the CCSS on struggling students, including ELLs and students with disabilities.
  • Review assessment requirements for students to demonstrate mastery of the CCSS.

Documentation Methods

Participants must document their learning by completing the following summative.

1 Multiple Choice Exam - Learner demonstrates knowledge of content by selecting the correct answer from the choices provided.

The summative must meet 80% of the established criteria.

Project Team


Developed by Beacon Educator staff.

Module Last Updated: 2023