Catalog > Gifted: Curriculum and Instructional Strategies

Gifted: Curriculum and Instructional Strategies

(60 Hr Course) - $300*

*Individual purchase cost is $5 per credit hour for courses or some districts may have a contract.


Investigate research-based practices, models, and strategies designed to meet the needs of gifted learners. Discover resources for aligning state standards and the gifted curriculum. Become an advocate for gifted students and programs.

Learning Objectives

The following topics align with the Florida K-12 Gifted Endorsement, Florida Department of Education Board Rule 6A-4.01791, and the 2019 Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Programming Standards from the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC). The standards are endorsed by the Association for the Gifted of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). The GT codes in parenthesis reference the NAGC-CEC Teacher Preparation Standards in Gifted and Talented Education (12/2013).

Topic 1: Key Terms and Concepts

  • Justify the need to differentiate or adapt instruction to respond to the needs of the gifted learner. (GT3.4)
  • Demonstrate understanding of the terminology used in the development of curriculum for the gifted. (GT5.1, GT6.1)

Topic 2: Program and State Standards

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the role of current state and national standards of the general education curriculum and the implications for the education of gifted students. (GT6.1)

Topic 3: Principles of Differentiation Instruction (DI) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of differentiation and Universal Design for Learning. (GT1.2, GT3.2, GT3.3)

Topic 4: Curriculum Models

  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate models for teaching gifted curriculum. (GT5.1, GT5.2, GT5.5)

Topic 5: Curriculum and Instructional Strategies

  • Develop an understanding of the issues of equity and excellence as they relate to gifted. (GT1.1, GT1.2)
  • Demonstrate knowledge effective instructional strategies and the role of the teacher in implementing these strategies. (GT5.1)
  • Demonstrate the ability to select gifted curriculum and appropriate instructional strategies. (GT1.1, GT2.1)
  • Appreciate the role of assessment as an instructional strategy. (GT4.1-GT4.5)

Topic 6: Selecting Resources, Materials, and Technology

  • Demonstrate awareness and knowledge of appropriate resources and materials for developing curriculum and facilitating learning for students who are gifted. (GT3.1, GT3.2)

Topic 7: Instructional Needs and Strategies

  • Demonstrate the ability to match instructional strategies to individual needs of learners. (GT3.4)
  • Identify the impact of Response to Intervention (RtI) as it pertains to students who are gifted. (GT2.4)

Topic 8: Designing Units of Instruction

  • Demonstrate the ability to develop a unit of instruction aligning curricular components to Florida State Standards, including objectives, introduction, teaching strategies, learning activities, products, resources, and assessments, to meet the cognitive and affective needs of gifted learners. (GT5.1 - GT5.5)

Topic 9: Providing a Continuum of Services

  • Demonstrate knowledge of a continuum of services to support the needs and interests of gifted students. (GT2.4)

Topic 10: Student Outcomes and the Educational Plan

  • Demonstrate the ability to identify various types of assessments and assessment strategies used before, during, and after instruction that provide evidence of student growth and understanding. (GT4.2, GT4.4)
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify student outcomes, evaluate student progress, and develop an appropriate Educational Plan (EP). (GT4.2, GT4.3, GT4.4)

Topic 11: Communicating and Advocating Effectively

  • Demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate and work in partnerships with students, families, and school personnel in the interest of students who are gifted. (GT4.3)

Topic 12: Program Evaluation

  • Establish criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the gifted programs at local, district, and state levels based on research-based, valid approaches. (GT7.3, GT6.1)
  • Identify areas in which to assess gifted programs based on the parameters defining gifted services as set by state and national standards, laws, rules, and policies. (GT2.4) 
  • Identify areas in which to assess gifted programs based on the unique needs of students who are gifted. (GT4.1, GT4.3, GT4.4)
  • Identify effects of culture and environment as well as family and key stakeholders in gifted programming. (GT1.1, GT1.2, GT2.1, GT6.3)

Documentation Methods

Participants must document their learning by completing the following summatives.

2 Lesson Plans - Learner creates a standards-based plan for instruction.
1 Multiple Choice Exam - Learner demonstrates knowledge of content by selecting the correct answer from the choices provided.
7 Reflections - Learner synthesizes previous knowledge and course content in order to develop a narrative response.

The summatives must meet 80% of the established criteria.

Project Team


Developed by Beacon Educator staff.

Course Last Updated: 2023