Catalog > TIP: ESOL Implications for the Classroom

TIP: ESOL Implications for the Classroom

(2 Hr Module) - $4*

*Individual purchase cost is $2 per credit hour for modules or some districts may have a contract.


Become familiar with state and federal laws that govern ESOL programs and your school district's ELL Plan. Identify ESOL teacher performance standards, timelines, ELL standards, and ESOL teacher strategies.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify qualifications that determine ELL status, and explore how deep culture and surface culture affect classroom instruction.
  • Become familiar with legislation and litigation that affect the education of ELLs.
  • Examine ESOL instructional delivery methods based on the English Only model and the Bilingual model.
  • Explore requirements for state and district ELL plans, as well as individual student ELL plans.
  • Understand the process of second language acquisition including language proficiency levels, BICS, and CALP.
  • Become familiar with instructional supports for ELLs, including literacy, assessment, and accountability.

Documentation Methods

Participants must document their learning by completing the following summative.

1 Multiple Choice Exam - Learner demonstrates knowledge of content by selecting the correct answer from the choices provided.

The summative must meet 80% of the established criteria.

Project Team

Author: Joan Ellis-Paul, Ed.S.

Developed by Vicky Nichols, B.S.; Kay Landingham, M.S.; Lynda Claspy, M.S. .

Module Last Updated: 2023