Catalog > ESOL : Methods of Teaching

ESOL : Methods of Teaching

(60 Hr Course) - $300*

*Individual purchase cost is $5 per credit hour for courses or some districts may have a contract.


Apply principles of differentiated instruction. Explore methods and strategies for identifying the needs of individual students who are in the process of acquiring English. Learn about differentiating content, process, and/or product in order to address and accommodate the different needs of students.

Learning Objectives

  • ESOL Standards
    Domain 3 (from Florida Teacher Standards for ESOL Endorsement 2010)

    • Demonstrate knowledge of L2 teaching methods in their historical context. (3.1.a)
    • Demonstrate awareness of current research relevant to best practices in second language and literacy instruction. (3.1.b)
    • Demonstrate knowledge of the evolution of laws and policy in the ESL profession, including program models for ELL instruction. (3.1.c)
    • Organize learning around standards-based content and language learning objectives for students from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. (3.2.a)
    • Develop ELLs’ L2 listening skills for a variety of academic and social purposes. (3.2.b)
    • Develop ELLs' L2 speaking skills for a variety of academic and social purposes. (3.2.c)
    • Provide standards-based instruction that builds upon ELLs’ oral English to support learning to read and write in English. (3.2.d)
    • Provide standards-based reading instruction appropriate for ELLs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. (3.2.e)
    • Provide standards-based writing instruction appropriate for ELLs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. (3.2.f)
    • Develop ELLs’ writing through a range of activities, from sentence formation to expository writing. (3.2.g)
    • Collaborate with stakeholders to advocate for ELLs’ equitable access to academic instruction (through traditional resources and instructional technology). (3.2.h)
    • Use appropriate listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities in teaching ELLs from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels. (3.2.i)
    • Incorporate activities, tasks, and assignments that develop authentic uses of the second language and literacy to assist ELLs in learning academic vocabulary and content-area material. (3.2.j)
    • Provide instruction that integrates listening, speaking, reading, and writing for ELLs of diverse backgrounds and varying English proficiency levels. (3.2.k)
    • Use culturally responsive/sensitive, age-appropriate and linguistically accessible materials for ELLs of diverse backgrounds and varying English proficiency levels. (3.3.a)
    • Use a variety of materials and other resources, including L1 resources, for ELLs to develop language and content-area skills. (3.3.b)
    • Use technological resources (e.g., Web, software, computers, and related media) to enhance language and content-area instruction for ELLs of diverse backgrounds and varying English proficiency levels. (3.3.c)

Documentation Methods

Participants must document their learning by completing the following summative.

10 Reflections - Learner synthesizes previous knowledge and course content in order to develop a narrative response.

The summative must meet 80% of the established criteria.

Project Team

Author: Adrienne Herrell, Ph.D., Sandi King, M.Ed.

Developed by Sandra Hancock, Ph.D..

Course Last Updated: 2023