Catalog > ESOL for Guidance Counselors

ESOL for Guidance Counselors

(60 Hr Course) - $300*

*Individual purchase cost is $5 per credit hour for courses or some districts may have a contract.


Gain an understanding of the background and legal requirements for ESOL. Learn how to promote development and achievement of English Language Learners (ELLs). Enhance your ability as a guidance counselor to provide post-secondary and career development guidance.

Learning Objectives

The Guidance Counselor shall

  • Possess and demonstrate effective counseling skills which focus on understanding and promoting development and achievement of limited English proficient students. Given the counselor’s role as the academic advisement leader, the participant will (Standard A):
    1. Possess individual and group counseling and communication skills to implement a balanced approach in order to assist LEP students and their families.
    2. Recognize unique differences among LEP students, including their language proficiency (both native and English), aptitudes, intelligence, interests and achievements, and incorporate an understanding of this information into the delivery of services.
    3. Assist LEP students and their families in dealing with the social and emotional concerns and problems that may hinder their educational development. Collaborate with teachers, student service specialists (e.g., psychologists, social workers), other educators, and related community representatives in addressing the challenges facing LEP students and their families.
    4. Demonstrate ability to counsel LEP students regarding their individual rights as afforded to them under state and federal laws and regulations.
    5. Demonstrate ability to improve and extend services to LEP students who are under-represented in special programs and services, including but not limited to gifted, vocational, specialized academic and career magnets/academies, advanced placement, dual enrollment and career exploration.
    6. Demonstrate knowledge of the federal and state requirements regarding the provision of services to LEP students. Including, but not limited to their roles and responsibilities in the LEP Committee process; development of LEP Student Plans, and implementation of the District LEP Plan.
    7. Demonstrate ability to advocate for the educational needs of LEP students and implement processes to ensure that these needs are addressed at every level of the LEP students’ school experience.
    8. Demonstrate knowledge and ability to provide training, orientation, and consultative assistance to teachers, school administrators, and other school-level personnel to support them in responding to the academic development, and guidance and counseling needs of LEP students.

  • Demonstrate the ability to counsel limited English proficient students in the fulfillment of their academic potential by recognizing and appreciating cultural differences, and the unique instructional needs of limited English proficient students. Given the counselor’s role as the academic advisement leader, the participant will (Standard B):
    1. Demonstrate sensitivity to multicultural and diverse student populations; recognize major differences and similarities among various cultural groups in the U.S., the state of Florida, the local school district, and the individual school.
    2. Demonstrate outreach efforts to connect LEP students and their families to school personnel and community members that will facilitate accessibility to resources and services available to them within the school and the community.
    3. Demonstrate ability to collaborate with teachers, school administrators, and other instructional personnel in ensuring that appropriate and effective instructional services are provided to LEP students to ensure their academic success.
    4. Demonstrate an understanding of the effects of race, gender, age, and socioeconomic status on assessment results, and the ability to identify linguistic and cultural bias.
    5. Demonstrate the ability to acquaint LEP students with the school-based and outreach services and support systems designed to address their unique academic needs.

  • Demonstrate the ability to develop, collect, analyze, and interpret data and information to affect positive change in delivery of counseling services to limited English proficient students. Given the counselor’s role as the academic advisement leader, the participant will (Standard C):
    1. Demonstrate an understanding of the proper administration and use of assessment instruments, and the ability to interpret test scores and test-related data to LEP students, teachers, school administrators and parents. These assessments should include, but not be limited to the following: English language proficiency assessments; annual assessment of English language development; diagnostic assessments, and statewide assessments of academic content.
    2. Demonstrate knowledge and the ability to implement formal and informal methods of assessment/evaluation of LEP students, including measurement of language, literacy and academic content metacognition.
    3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how individual and group data and statistics are used in building student, course/class and school profiles, constructing student transcripts, and preparing reports.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge and ability to review and evaluate transcripts from foreign-born students, and ensure proper and equitable credit accrual, and appropriate grade/course placement of LEP students.
    5. Demonstrate knowledge of the indicators of learning disabilities, especially hearing and language impairment, as compared to the process by which students acquire a second language.
    6. Demonstrate an understanding of the difference between language proficiency and content-based academic knowledge.
    7. Demonstrate knowledge of second language acquisition (applied linguistics) theory and its applicability to the instructional process.
    8. Demonstrate the ability to communicate with LEP students, their families, and the community to assess the relevance of the curriculum and adequacy of student progress toward standards established by the Florida Department of Education and the curriculum established by the school district.
  • Demonstrate the ability to integrate post-secondary and career development guidance and counseling in the fulfillment of limited English proficient students’ academic success. Given the counselor’s role as the academic advisement leader, the participant will (Standard D):
    1. Demonstrate ability to provide information appropriate to the particular educational transition: from middle school to high school; from high school to post-secondary or career/vocational programs, and assist LEP students in understanding the relationship that their curricular experiences and academic achievements have on their future educational and employment opportunities.
    2. Possess and demonstrate an understanding of the current admission requirements, admission options, and application procedures of colleges, universities and career/vocational institutions, and the ability to effectively counsel LEP students in the pursuit of their post-secondary desires.
    3. Demonstrate ability to assist LEP students in evaluating and interpreting information about postsecondary educational and career alternatives so that appropriate options are considered and included in the decision-making process.
    4. Demonstrate knowledge and ability to understand and interpret forms and data-driven documents that are a part of the post-secondary admission and financial aid processes, including: admission applications; student questionnaires; letters of recommendation, and acceptance; and other needs assessment documents.
    5. Demonstrate a familiarity with available technology and the ways in which it may support the post-secondary guidance and counseling process, including: guidance information systems; financial aid information and eligibility; relevant record-keeping and follow-up, and Internet services.
    6. Demonstrate ability to use historical admission patterns and trends to assist LEP students in measuring the appropriateness of their applications to particular colleges, universities or career/vocational institutions.
  • Demonstrate mastery of the four (4) standards and twenty-seven (27) competencies for guidance counselors by developing an LEP student case study, and implementing strategies to address the academic needs of limited English proficient students. The LEP student case study must contain evidence to support the achievement of these standards and competencies.

Documentation Methods

Participants must document their learning by completing the following summative.

6 Reflections - Learner synthesizes previous knowledge and course content in order to develop a narrative response.

The summative must meet 80% of the established criteria.

Project Team

Author: Sandi King, M.Ed., Lauren Christian Gibson, A.B.D.

Developed by Beacon Educator staff.

Course Last Updated: 2023