Online Professional Learning,
Designed With You In Mind!

Our unique features make us the preferred choice for educators seeking high quality online professional learning at a reasonable cost.


Whether you are looking for courses for your own use or you are interested in options to share with a group, we have options for you!

Learners receive

  • Engaging, relevant course content
  • Easy registration, quick course access
  • User-friendly environment
  • Appropriate assessments of learning objectives
  • Real-time data at your fingertips

Coordinators will have

  • Real-time learner data at your fingertips
  • Monitoring and reporting tools
  • Customizable registration pages
  • One-click approval for registration requests
  • Flexible course scheduling options

Learner Features

Choose from a variety of course titles, each of which models best practices for teaching. New sections of each course begin monthly, so choose a date that fits your schedule. You can begin reading as soon as you register. All the content and materials are included; there is nothing extra to buy.

See what we offer learners!


The Learner Dashboard is the starting place for all things related to your Beacon courses. From here, you can access your current courses and modules. You can also see your pending registration requests, find links to FAQs and Beacon policies, and even view the content of courses you completed within the last 3 months.


What courses are available at Beacon? How do you register for a course? Offerings is the place to find both. Here you’ll find lists of all our courses along with course descriptions, start/end dates, and costs. Once you have selected a course, registration is quick and easy.

Course CatalogModule Catalog

My Transcript

Do you need documentation of the courses you have completed? My Transcript lists all the courses you have completed with Beacon. With the click of a button, you will find course titles, credit hours, and completion dates.

Notifications & My Notes

The Notifications feature allows you to monitor your progress throughout a course. Available on each page of the course, this feature includes to-do lists, notification of recently approved summatives, and a link to upcoming summatives.

My Notes provides an area where you can take notes while working through the course! You can print them all in one document for future reference.

Coordinator Features

Use our management tools to easily handle course registrations, schedule dates for course offerings, and monitor learners’ progress. Create customized reports to analyze learners’ course requests, enrollments, and completions. Glance at the coordinator’s dashboard for quick information updates. Download support documents for professional learning programs. Everything you need is at your fingertips!

See what we offer coordinators!

Programmatic Documentation

Beacon provides extensive information about our programs to support districts in adding Beacon as an option to their professional learning plans.

Build an understanding of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and learn strategies for K-12 students with autism. These courses are recommended for teachers certified in special education.

Key Concepts
  • Understand and apply behavioral strategies
  • Design engaging instruction and learning experiences
  • Determine ways to monitor student progress, adjust instruction, and maximize student outcomes



Beacon’s Manager Dashboard allows Contract Managers to have important data at their fingertips. Quickly view the percentage of courses completed this month, act on pending enrollment requests, and check the status of active contracts. This valuable tool will help simplify management tasks.


Manage all your contracts with this useful tool. Quickly view the hours used, enrolled, and available for each contract. Create customized sections, manage enrollments, and view a list of enrollees associated with a contract.


Do you need to create a new section of a course for your district? Does it need to start or end on a specific day? Are you looking for information about a specific section of a course? With Beacon’s tool you can manage course sections quickly and easily.

Registration Pages

Our registration pages can be customized for each district, allowing a curated selection for your teachers and staff. Whether you want them to explore the entire catalog or only a single endorsement, we can tailor their access to meet your professional learning needs.

Registration Requests

Beacon’s registration tool makes registering participants easy. The contract manager simply chooses the link to enroll or checks the deny box for each request. A link to each participant’s Beacon transcripts makes the process even easier.

Custom Reports

Do you need to know how many paraprofessionals have completed the Professional Practices for Paraprofessional course? Do you need a list of all teachers who have completed Beacon’s reading endorsement this school year? Beacon’s Custom Reports tool allows you to create these reports as well as many others. With this tool, you have easy access to the data that is most important to you when you need it.


See what people are saying about us and check us out on Facebook!

While it remains challenging to allocate time to such courses while also working full time, it was well worth it to see how this course played out. It helped sharpen skills, and also echoed much of the research and practice to which I adhere... and seeing it within such a course is meaningful.
I have learned a lot (tons) in this course and have a binder and a flash drive filled with all of the useful content, materials, videos, examples, scenarios, templates, etc.
I just completed ESOL: Curriculum and Materials with you and I wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed this class. This was my very first time taking an ESOL course and, I have to say, you were very supportive and encouraging. Your feedback was so motivating and, although the topic was challenging, I still found every bit of the course engaging. That was mostly due to your encouraging words and motivation.
Thank you for all of your support! I am grateful for your understanding, kindness, and patience. I am so impressed with you and Beacon.
Thank you so much for your patience and guidance. You are doing exactly what facilitators for online classes are supposed to do...keep us focusing deeper on content and help us dive deeper into the curriculum. You're awesome.
Catherine L., Miami-Dade County Schools
I am a novice ESE teacher, and not trained in language arts, so I am soaking up useful information like a sponge. Being able to practice and reflect on the real assessment tasks that this course required put new knowledge into practice. I have already spoken with other educators at my school about this course specifically. This course was an investment in me becoming a better teacher.
I have learned so much in this class that I never even thought about. Even some things we take for granted in every day use. I appreciate you!! You have great insight, patience and great feedback. I have such admiration for teachers, especially since starting to teach this year - it is a lot of responsibility and time management - you have been here for me and I say thank you!!!
It's only been about a week, but I am seeing somewhat of a difference when I've required more reading on the students. I plan to continue this method.
The moment I read your feedback, I knew exactly what you were referring and how to fix it. Honestly, I was so happy to spend the day at the library focusing on my coursework (after a substantial delay due to the start of the new schoolyear) that I "ran away with" the learning and lost sight of the actual tasks assigned.
I wanted to share this with you just because I feel it is important to understand how much independant self-paced programs are to teachers. Trust me, no one likes to pay for a course you can get for free and do at least 95% less work in to pass. But I prefer this than to sit for hours in a course.....doing much of nothing.
Thank you for being so positive in your responses to the submissions, you have no idea how much that helps with doing the work. It's a good reminder when we teach our students that a little encouragement can really help the student work harder and feel valued. I have felt valued by your input and I will check to see if I need to resubmit any of the summates.
Having spent the majority of my career working with struggling readers, and learning, then advocating for research & evidence-based practices to be implemented in public schools so as to assist students with dyslexia as well as others struggling to acquire literacy skills, it thrills me that this was the scope of the reading endorsement 1 course.
I used the Anticipation Guide/KWL and it was like a Light went off in my student's brain. They were able for the first time to link all four chapters of this module together. I felt so proud! I usually do these things but didn't know the name and the structured way of doing it. Now, the class flows more smoothly and students participate more. You have activated what I have always wanted to do to improve comprehension.
Dawn M., Charlotte County Schools

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