Catalog > Math for K-8 Teachers: Space and Shape

Math for K-8 Teachers: Space and Shape

(24 Hr Course) - $120*

*Individual purchase cost is $5 per credit hour for courses or some districts may have a contract.


Explore problem solving using two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. Identify strategies for teaching accurate measurement, estimation of measurement, and real-world problem solving.

Learning Objectives

In this course the participant will learn the following.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the issues that make it critical that quality instruction be provided in geometry.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the van Hiele levels of geometric development.
  • Describe activities that fit the levels of geometric development including the following topic strands.
    • Shape and properties (includes classifying and sorting),
    • Transformation,
    • Location (includes direction), and
    • Visualization.
  • Describe the real world with geometric ideas (geometric thinking, spatial relationships, and vocabulary) and solve real world problems using geometry (geometric modeling).
  • Identify the stages children go through in developing measurement concepts (includes comparing, ordering, personal referents, non-standard units of measure, and standard units of measure).
  • Discuss why a student must have direct experiences in developing measurement concepts.
  • Discuss the appropriate roles for estimation and tools in measurement.
  • Explain how one may reduce the error of measurement.
  • Identify activities that support each of the stages of development of length, capacity, mass, and weight (activities include estimation).
  • Identify diagnostic activities to determine a child’s stage of development.
  • Identify activities in which children learn to use appropriate measurement tools (units, rulers, grids).
  • List units and sub-units (conventional and S.I.) for measuring length, capacity, mass, and weight.
  • Identify activities that support each of the stages of development of area and volume (activities include estimation).
  • Identify diagnostic activities to determine a child’s stage of development.
  • Identify activities in which children learn to use appropriate measurement tools (units, rulers, grids).
  • List units and sub-units (conventional and S.I.) for measuring area and volume.

Documentation Methods

Participants must document their learning by completing the following summative.

4 Reflections - Learner synthesizes previous knowledge and course content in order to develop a narrative response.

The summative must meet 80% of the established criteria.

Project Team


Developed by Beacon Educator staff.

Course Last Updated: 2023