*Individual purchase cost is $2.25 per credit hour for modules or some districts may have a contract.
Compare students with identified emotional disabilities to those with acting-out behaviors. Review instructional and behavioral strategies for managing difficult classroom behaviors within the RtI/MtSS framework. Develop an awareness level knowledge of psychotropic medications and accompanying side effects. This module addresses Florida's professional learning requirements from SB 1108 - Students with Disabilities (SWD).
Learning Objectives
- Recognize the components of the federal definition and characteristics of the emotionally disturbed student.
- Recognize the definition and characteristics of the acting out student.
- Identify the steps in the MtSS/RtI Process and its classroom implications.
- Increase awareness of classroom strategies for managing behaviors of students with emotional disabilities and acting out behaviors.
- Increase awareness of strategies used for dealing with the most common disruptive behaviors: talking out, off task behaviors and verbal and physical aggression.
- Recognize common psychotropic medications prescribed to students with acting out behaviors and emotional disabilities.
- Recognize common psychotropic medications’ intended purpose and potential side effects.
Documentation Methods
Participants must document their learning by completing the following summative.
1 Multiple Choice Exam - Learner demonstrates knowledge of content by selecting
the correct answer from the choices provided.
The summative must meet 80% of the established criteria.
Project Team
Author: Carra Summers
Developed by Beacon Educator staff.
Module Last Updated: 2023