Having spent the majority of my career working with struggling readers, and learning, then advocating for research & evidence-based practices to be implemented in public schools so as to assist students with dyslexia as well as others struggling to acquire literacy skills, it thrills me that this was the scope of the reading endorsement 1 course.
Thank you for being so positive in your responses to the submissions, you have no idea how much that helps with doing the work. It's a good reminder when we teach our students that a little encouragement can really help the student work harder and feel valued. I have felt valued by your input and I will check to see if I need to resubmit any of the summates.
I wanted to share this with you just because I feel it is important to understand how much independant self-paced programs are to teachers. Trust me, no one likes to pay for a course you can get for free and do at least 95% less work in to pass. But I prefer this than to sit for hours in a course.....doing much of nothing.
I have learned so much in this class that I never even thought about. Even some things we take for granted in every day use. I appreciate you!! You have great insight, patience and great feedback. I have such admiration for teachers, especially since starting to teach this year - it is a lot of responsibility and time management - you have been here for me and I say thank you!!!
I have learned a lot (tons) in this course and have a binder and a flash drive filled with all of the useful content, materials, videos, examples, scenarios, templates, etc.
I used the Anticipation Guide/KWL and it was like a Light went off in my student's brain. They were able for the first time to link all four chapters of this module together. I felt so proud! I usually do these things but didn't know the name and the structured way of doing it. Now, the class flows more smoothly and students participate more. You have activated what I have always wanted to do to improve comprehension.
Dawn M., Charlotte County Schools
Thank you for all of your support! I am grateful for your understanding, kindness, and patience. I am so impressed with you and Beacon.
The moment I read your feedback, I knew exactly what you were referring and how to fix it. Honestly, I was so happy to spend the day at the library focusing on my coursework (after a substantial delay due to the start of the new schoolyear) that I "ran away with" the learning and lost sight of the actual tasks assigned.
It's only been about a week, but I am seeing somewhat of a difference when I've required more reading on the students. I plan to continue this method.